DairyBora is is a dairy farming software solution
for efficiently managing aspects of dairy farming operations
such as animal information, milk production tracking, inventory management and financial records

Data Management

Dairy farms deal with extensive data related to animals, milk production, inventory, finances, and more. Managing this data manually can be error-prone and time-consuming. The system helps in organizing, storing, and retrieving data efficiently.

Milk Production Tracking

Tracking milk production of individual animals is crucial for monitoring their health and productivity. The system automates this process and provides insights into the performance of each animal.

Inventory Management

Dairy farms require proper management of feed, medicine, and other resources. The system helps in tracking inventory levels, reordering supplies, and reducing wastage.

  • Communication and Reporting
  • Scaling the Business
  • Historical Analysis
  • Compliance and Record Keeping
  • Decision Making


This project was born out of my observations among the locals in my neighborhood who were striving to manage their dairy farms. I desired to lend a technological hand in the same to make them achieve this feat
As the farmers ventured into dairy farming there are a lot of issues to keep track failure to which the venture might spiral down
Then I had a light bulb moment

The journey started during my time at ALX School as part of a Portfolio Project, where I recognized an opportunity to combine my second hand knowlegde and experience with my growing skills in software development it quickly became a project that I got lost in
Iwent on this adventure as from August 2023 and, after many late nights mixed with early days of coding and debugging
I proudly present the Dairy Bora Farm Management App


Alvin O.

"A force to reckon with in the world of full-stack development."